AlkaBest Ionizer

AlkaBest Ionizer 
ForYou offers a solution to the increasingly damaging and dangerous effects on our body of pollutants, toxins, and chemicals found in the air that we breathe, the water that we drink, and the food that we ingest. In our modern world, most things that we consume are acidic, our lifestyles generally are acid-producing, and almost all forms of toxicity that we expose are bodies to are also acidic. Feeling over-tired, weak, restless, frustrated, stiff, overwhelmed, unfocused, or confused are often early warning signs that our bodies are no longer able to cope with this toxic, acidic overload. Careful study of this phenomena leads us to recognize that the life force that helped create and sustain our planet is also the life force that can reverse the negative effects of acidity and toxicity, contributors to diminished health and premature aging: WATER!!! ForYou offers a new generation water ionizer: “AlkaBest,” the ONLY ionizer to carry Sang Whang’s name and the ONLY ionizer equipped with a patented, Aquaspace filter technology, developed as a result of the application of NASA technology. Discover the amazing and wonderful benefits from drinking pure, ionized, and alkalized water!



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