The Company


Welcome to ForYou!

ForYou began with a vision to develop a product line and program that would produce financially independent people. Employing the concept of direct sales through a network of independent distributors, we can guide our distributors to financial wealth and security. More than twenty years later, ForYou is still committed to developing these three Ps: Product, Program, and People.


Based on a foundation of integrity, ForYou has built a reputation for superior nutritional and personal care products that have withstood the test of time and yielded proven results. We base our formulas on scientific research and use only the finest raw materials in all our products. Our advanced formulas have been blended to exacting levels to deliver optimum performance. Our attention to detail gives our formulations their cutting edge and produces direct benefits in enhancing your appearance and protecting your health. ForYou will continue to provide uncompromisingly superior products.




ForYou's vision is to bring the concept of wealth building through direct sales marketed through a network of independent distributors to create financial security and financial independence for its distributors. ForYou's lucrative compensation plans, the "Power of Wealth" plan as well as its traditional compensation plan, will provide the vehicle for financial freedom. The "Power of Wealth" plan is a three-step business model designed to create wealth in the quickest and easiest method. ForYou's traditional compensation plan incorporates both direct sales for immediate retail income and the production of residual income through the sale of products by distributors in his/her downline in all markets where the Company does business. We can tailor a plan to meet your financial needs!


ForYou is in the people business. Our goal is to provide our people, customers and distributors, with unsurpassed, superior products and a financially rewarding compensation plan. Additionally, we take people where they are and teach them, coach them, and lead them through best industry practices to experience true success. ForYou relies on more than twenty years of experience and expertise to guide distributors to their financial goals. ForYou people are truly committed to changing their quality of life as well as the lives of others through sharing both their world-class products and their incredible business opportunity!





© Copyright 2025 ForYou, Inc.   Concept and development by